Well, hello there. I have been gone far too long, taking a Christmas break for the dollhouse has gone on way longer than I have planned. I still have not returned to working on the Bellingham Farmhouse. Instead I have been sewing doll clothes of the 18 inch dolls that I have been collecting. I will get the sewing bug out of my system and get back to work on it. I have a lot of very tedious painting of windows, doors, and lots of trim for both inside and outside.
I have also been on a countdown to my last trip to Norm's Dollhouse store in Denver. We were there after Thanksgiving and then an email came out announcing that they will be closing in March. I am so sad. The store has been in business for 39 years. According to a newspaper article, most of the store's clientele have given up their mini hobby because they are either gone, in assisted living, or in nursing homes. How sad is that? I'd say that 39 years is a a very good run. I should have gone sooner because an email this week said that their shelves are emptying out and now items are 40% off. I'll let you know what I come home with.
My daughters and I are great thrifters. I have slowed down a lot because I am trying to unload my house rather than fill it up. I have allowed myself my dollhouse indulgence, however. So when Jen texted me that there was a dollhouse at the Goodwill in Ft. Collins (20 minute drive) with 5 bags of furniture for $89, I made up my mind to pass.
Then I slept on it.
Then I woke up and announced to my husband that I wanted to drive over to the Goodwill to see if it was still there. And it was. And yes I bought it with the furniture sight unseen because it was all bagged up and stuffed in the house which was taped up so that the bags could not be brought out to examine.
After doing some research, I identified the house as the the Brookwood by Green Leaf. Originally manufactured in early 1990s, it was discontinued, and reintroduced. Click here: Green Leaf to read more about the kit. Search Pinterest to see a variety of photos.
It is a very interesting house that would be a lot of fun to assemble and design because it has such interesting lines. Because it is a mid-century modern, it has all sorts of possibilities such as a beach house where mermaids (or merpeople) live, a mountain cabin, or a suburban contemporary re-model, or a mid-century accurately decorated.
Would you like to take a tour? I know you can't wait to see it. Get a cup of tea or coffee and some cookies and enjoy the Brookwood.

As it sat on the dining room table, I dusted and cleaned it up. I shined up the hard wood floors with a bit Pledge sprayed on a napkin to avoid over pray getting on the wall paper.

The windows are my favorite feature, such as this two story cathedral style window. Once I got it home, I realized that it needed porch rails, but when I saw the pictures on Pinterest, the patio does not have a railing.

Some of the furniture comes with the house, the sofa and chair, for example that have to be assembled, along with kitchen cabinets that are missing and I think the stove and sink come with he kit.
I have also been on a countdown to my last trip to Norm's Dollhouse store in Denver. We were there after Thanksgiving and then an email came out announcing that they will be closing in March. I am so sad. The store has been in business for 39 years. According to a newspaper article, most of the store's clientele have given up their mini hobby because they are either gone, in assisted living, or in nursing homes. How sad is that? I'd say that 39 years is a a very good run. I should have gone sooner because an email this week said that their shelves are emptying out and now items are 40% off. I'll let you know what I come home with.
My daughters and I are great thrifters. I have slowed down a lot because I am trying to unload my house rather than fill it up. I have allowed myself my dollhouse indulgence, however. So when Jen texted me that there was a dollhouse at the Goodwill in Ft. Collins (20 minute drive) with 5 bags of furniture for $89, I made up my mind to pass.
Then I slept on it.
Then I woke up and announced to my husband that I wanted to drive over to the Goodwill to see if it was still there. And it was. And yes I bought it with the furniture sight unseen because it was all bagged up and stuffed in the house which was taped up so that the bags could not be brought out to examine.
After doing some research, I identified the house as the the Brookwood by Green Leaf. Originally manufactured in early 1990s, it was discontinued, and reintroduced. Click here: Green Leaf to read more about the kit. Search Pinterest to see a variety of photos.
It is a very interesting house that would be a lot of fun to assemble and design because it has such interesting lines. Because it is a mid-century modern, it has all sorts of possibilities such as a beach house where mermaids (or merpeople) live, a mountain cabin, or a suburban contemporary re-model, or a mid-century accurately decorated.
Would you like to take a tour? I know you can't wait to see it. Get a cup of tea or coffee and some cookies and enjoy the Brookwood.

As it sat on the dining room table, I dusted and cleaned it up. I shined up the hard wood floors with a bit Pledge sprayed on a napkin to avoid over pray getting on the wall paper.

The windows are my favorite feature, such as this two story cathedral style window. Once I got it home, I realized that it needed porch rails, but when I saw the pictures on Pinterest, the patio does not have a railing.
Off the living room is the solarium. I always wanted a solarium or garden room. I'd fill it with African violets and orchids. I think I might replace the acetate widow because it has a nasty scratch on it and is not glued in. Love those skylights. I had a skylight in my bathroom in our old house that we had installed when we had the roof replaced that provided lots of natural light during the day and stars at night.
More skylights on the other side of the house. A balcony that even has a door entry. It'll be nice place to enjoy morning coffee.

Some of the furniture comes with the house, the sofa and chair, for example that have to be assembled, along with kitchen cabinets that are missing and I think the stove and sink come with he kit.
This is an odd arrangement because the green room where a kitchen should be located isn't large enough to be a kitchen, so the kitchen is in the next area, but there isn't enough room to place the refrigerator.
I haven't go a clue if this art work is a reproduction of an original, but it certainly is unusual. I had to put the iPhone inside the room to take a photo to see what the picture actually looked like.
A very interesting stair way
A very comfortable living room
The house comes with a hot tub that photos show in the solarium, but I will place it on the patio outside. I may buy some plants at Norm's for the patio, Plants are very expensive.
The bathroom on the second level is very interesting. I love the black fixtures and the triangle shaped bathtub.
For a mid century bedroom this fancy furniture is very unusual, but I can see it in such a house. Love the bed. Very unusual.
The third level has this modern bed that was part of the kit. Not my colors, but it is very interesting.
The Brookwood really is a very cute house. I don't plan on doing anything to it. I like it the way it is. I can't imagine anyone donating such a cute house. Yes, there are things that I might do to it, but I am going to honor the original builder and not make any changes. I may add some plants. I mean the solarium must have plants.
I hope you enjoyed your tour. What would you do with the Brookwood? The kit, still available, has so many possibilities and would be a very fun build.
Thanks so much for visiting. I'll be back with an update. Perhaps I ought to show you my 18 inch dolls, all three rescued from ARC, or charity thrift store.