Friday, October 20, 2023
Pink Makes a Friend

Friday, October 13, 2023
Too Many Projects
I seem to be having a hard time focusing these days, jumping from one thing to the next. The speed shingles from Green Leaf arrived several days ago, but I've not tackled that roofing job yet, but it really must be the next project. I must get the Manchester house itself finished.
Along with these good intentions, real life gets in the way. It's time to host the fall greeting card making parties for my DAR chapter. We make Veteran's Day cards and Christmas cards for the residents at the the Cheyenne, WY, so I went downstairs this morning to begin cleaning and organizing for the worship next week, but, of course, I got side tracked.
Last week I stopped at ARC, a local thrift store and found bags of dollhouse furniture. I didn't buy them because the time because the items that were jammed in plastic bags looked pretty rough, but the next morning, I just had to go back to buy two bags. Of course, it was pretty much sight unseen and I was pretty disappointed when I got the bags home and opened them up, but I did manage to salvage one table, but it had to be rebuilt.
This was my first attempt at piecing the table back together, using toothpicks and painting all the legs silver. But it didn't work.
The toothpicks didn't work, so I cut down some spindles to the correct length to make wooden legs:
Well that didn't look very good either. The mid century (1970s) table with a glass top and chrome legs didn't work with wooden spindle legs. I was about to give up.
Monday, October 2, 2023
Plan C 😩
Sometimes it is hard to know exactly where to begin. Like when I decide to head to the basement to entertain myself or avoid house hold chores. I've got a few projects going, but for some reason this week I began a new one, making a lemon tree. I want one for the greenhouse. I've searched the online shops, but couldn't find what I had in mind, so I decided to make one--oh what a project. It's not done yet, so here is the start of the project.
Use a ruler to help cut even sized 1/4" pieces.
The best way to figure out how to shape a lemon, look at one and try to replicate it. First roll an oblong ball then pinch the end to get that pointed lemon end. Flatten the other end where the stem will attach.
I really can't explain; you just have to do it. Not all of your lemons will be uniform, but they aren't all uniform on the tree either. We just think they are since the grocer always puts out the most perfect fruits.
None of my lemons are the same; I'm fine with that.
Stairway to Heaven
Staircases are always challenging. In the past, unhappy with how the kit stairs looked or turned out, I purchased Hobby Lobby stair kits tha...
The weather continues to be cold, really cold with snow and freezing temperatures. As February ends and March arrives, our minds here at th...
My friend texted me one day asked if I'd like another dollhouse to build, explaining that he was at a garage sale and found one for $5....