Wednesday, December 5, 2018


Tick. Tick. Tick. I am spending a lot of time in the basement these days working on the Cranberry Cove, trying to get the little house ready for the great reveal on Christmas Eve. I've made good progress and accepted a huge commitment, too. I glued things in place, which always makes me really nervous.

Last night I fit and re cut the baseboards and the crown molding. Made a couple of dumb mistakes, like cutting one piece already assigned to its place to fit in another place. Such a waste a of time and materials. I began my evening gluing the pre cut window frames, using my square as a sort of jig to make sure that all of the pieces were square.

Today I glued two windows in place. I wish I had learned the trick to glue the window casings together before installing them piece by piece. To make sure that the frame was straight, I used my hemming gage to make sure the sides were even and that the bottom was square with the floor.

With two windows in place I decided to glue in the floor. I have read the discussion with the Face Book  group on whether or not to glue in the floors. The answers varied. I decided that since I don't have any tape wire running across the base floor that I could the floor in place. My ancient Webster's Dictionary comes in handy to weight the floor down while the glue sets. 

I have mitering corners for the crown molding. I do ruin a lot of wood to get the corners just right. I cheated this time by buying preprinted  crown molding at Hobby Lobby. I like the look. Nice and clean. I wondered about the effect painted crown molding with stained baseboard then I looked at my own home with painted crown molding and stained baseboard. So I am good with the look. The main floor is nearly done. I have two ceiling lights to install and some trim to finish up.

Tomorrow I'll work on the upstairs. I have a decision to make about the upstairs wallpaper in the bedroom. Lily chose one that I have already used in another house, but the one I chose is so very busy. I asked her mother what to do and she that it didn't matter if I used the same wallpaper over, so that's what I'll do. 

The big job will be installing the two flights of stairs, but that is a story for another day--or the next post. 

I am so enjoying watching others work. You are teaching me so much and I appreciate how others so willingly share their work. Thank you. 

Thanks for stopping by. 


  1. Awww, it's looking so homey and ready for a little girl's imagination! She's going to be so thrilled!
    Good luck with getting it all finished up before the Big Reveal!

  2. I'm going to adopt your idea of using a hemming gauge which makes perfect sense now that you've demonstrated how and what to use it for!
    And Cranberry Cove is moving along swimmingly! I am Amazed at your progress already but have no doubts that it WILL be under the tree in time for Christmas! :D

  3. I love a good crossover of sewing tools for minis. :D Looking good!!!

  4. I love what you are doing with this little house. Your trims look great. Good luck meeting your deadline. :)


Stairway to Heaven

Staircases are always challenging. In the past, unhappy with how the kit stairs looked or turned out, I purchased Hobby Lobby stair kits tha...